“Wine Town of Southern China”: Jiujiang Double-distilled Rice Wine Museum
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Jiujiang Double-distilled Rice Wine Museum
You may not have tried for yourselves the Jiujiang Double-distilled Rice Wine, but you must have seen one in the supermarket or grocery store. It has a red Yuan Hang trademark on the bottle, which contains clear rice wine. One thing you may not notice is that “Jiujiang” in Jiujiang Double-distilled Rice Wine refers to Jiujiang Town in Nanhai District, Foshan. The town is regarded as the “Wine Town of Southern China”. It produces not only rice wine, a nice seasoning used in daily cooking , but also the taste of homesick lingering on the taste buds of those overseas Chinese.
Jiujiang Double-distilled Rice Wine Museum is the first rice wine museum in China. It exhibits the manufacturing process of the rice wine and wine-related knowledge. There is also a long cultural corridor, along which the history of Jiujiang Town and Jiujiang Winery is shown. Not only does the museum exhibit materials and tools utilised in wine manufacturing, but it also has an interactive area. There you can make and taste the mellow and sweet rice wine and even experience being drunk. How interesting that is!