Zhongshan︱Tourism Area of Sun Yat-sen's Hometown
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Tourism Area of Sun Yat-sen's Hometown
Many people’s impression of Dr Sun Yat-sen might only stay in history classes. The historical events taught by teachers give us the impression that we have a great distance from this great man. However, in Zhongshan, there is no more distant to Dr Sun.
Tourism Area of Sun Yat-sen's Hometown consists of five exhibition areas, namely the Sun Yat Sen's Residence Memorial Museum, Cuiheng village, Zhongshan TV and Film City, Xinhai Revolution Memorial Park and Litoujian Mountain. After visiting Dr Sun’s birthplace in Cuiheng village, you can go to Sun Yat Sen's Residence Memorial Museum to understand the background and society for Sun to grow up. Or, you can have a walk into the “historical events” when exploring the Zhongshan TV and Film City. With sufficient time, you may even visit Xinhai Revolution Memorial Park and Litoujian Mountain. After your journey to the five exhibition areas, your understanding of this historical figure will be more comprehensive.
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