【Travel between the ancient and contemporary times】 Triple Bridge in Ljubljana
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Triple Bridge in Ljubljana
In front of the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation lies the famous Triple Bridge. It connects Ljubljana’s historical and medieval old town on one bank, and its modern downtown on the other, allowing you to “travel” between the ancient and contemporary times. Unlike its single and straight counterparts, the Triple Bridge is a group of three bridges across the River Ljubljanica resembling a dragon’s paw.
The Triple Bridge was originally a wooden bridge connecting the northwestern European lands with southeastern Europe and the Balkans. It was replaced by a stone bridge, which is the central bridge of today’s Triple Bridge, in 1842 after a fire. Two side bridges, intended for pedestrians, were added to the original stone bridge, with all three furnished with large stone balustrades and lamps. The group has become the most remarkable architecture in Ljubljanica. When the bridge is lit up at night, you can capture an even more extraordinary bridge scenery against the backdrop of the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation when watching at a distance. Stairways on each of the side bridges lead you down to the poplar-lined terraces along the river, which is a nice place to stroll around and enjoy the cool breeze after dinner.