Riyadh︱Masmak Fort
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Masmak Fort
On 13th January 1902, Abdul-Aziz from the House of Saud led his army to recapture Riyadh by conquering the Masmak Fort overnight. The recapture became a crucial starting point for Ibn Saud in unifying Najd, Hejaz and “The Holy City of Mecca”, finally the whole Saudi Arabia.
In early days, people in Riyadh settled and traded in surrounding areas of the fort.The development of Riyadh gradually helped its establishment as an important city. Now, the fort is still the centre of the city.
As the iconic landmark of the kingdom, the fort was renovated at the beginning of 1980s and became part of the King Abdul Aziz Historical Centre. By visiting there, one can learn the history of the kingdom from its beginning.
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