The first World Heritage Site of Saudi Arabia: Mada'in Saleh
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Mada'in Saleh
It is said that the Prophet Muhammad told his followers when passing through Mada'in Saleh - “Unless you are crying, don’t enter the land of the people being unjustly treated. It’s because you might suffer from the same calamities as they did”. Nowadays, Mada'in Saleh is still regarded by Muslims as a cursed land, where they do not want to go.
If you would like to know more about the Nabataean civilisation without being in an environment crowded with tourists and souvenirs vendors - for example, Petra in Jordan - Mada'in Saleh is definitely a good alternative.
Most parts of Mada'in Saleh were built between the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD. There are 131 rock-cut monumental tombs, which were nicely ornamented, showcase the architectural wisdom of the Nabataeans. In 2008, Mada'in Saleh was listed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List, and is the first World Heritage Site of Saudi Arabia.
If you are fully equipped, you can try camping in the desert near the south gate of the ancient city to enjoy the boundless starry sky. You can also spend a relaxing night in one of the numerous modernised tent hotels nearby.