See the city of Foshan on a 50Km walk
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See the city of Foshan on a 50Km walk
If the fastest time to run a full marathon is over 2 hours, how long does it take to walk 50 kilometres?
For seven consecutive years since 2015, Foshan has hosted the "Beautiful Foshan All the Way Forward - Foshan 50km Hike", attracting more than one million domestic and international hiking enthusiasts and citizens to take part. 2024 saw the opening of five hiking routes, each with its own unique characteristics, ranging from walking through parks, strolling along the greenway, crossing the river, passing through the skyscrapers, and finally converging at the Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center, where participants witnessed the changes and diversities of the city. Participants witnessed the changes and diversity of the city.
This is not only a city sports carnival, but also a cultural journey. During the event, a series of cultural and tourism activities such as the Foshan 50km Hike "Happy Blossom" Bay Area Food Festival will be held simultaneously. There will be a gathering of star food from the Bay Area, Foshan's non-heritage handicraft experience, fashionable cultural performances and various themed exhibitions, allowing the general public and hiking enthusiasts to experience the charms of Foshan, the city of Lingnan humanities.
If you are a hiking enthusiast, don't miss this sport carnival next year!
Photo source: Foshan News Media Centre
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