【GreaterDive】Specialties of Zhuhai! Three Famous Seafood Delicacies
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Specialties of Zhuhai! Three Famous Seafood Delicacies
Zhuhai is named after its location where the Pearl River meets the South China Sea. As seafood delicacies are one of the local treasures on this coastal island, this time【GreaterGo】introduces Zhuhai’s three famous seafood that you cannot miss out. 😋
1) Wanshan Prawns
Wanshan prawns are known for their fresh, sweet, and succulent meat. They can be prepared in various ways, such as steamed or deep-fried. Whether they are made into an exquisite dim sum or served as a standalone dish, they are truly the star of many renowned dishes!
2) Hengqin Oysters
Oysters are rich in protein and are often referred to as the "milk of the sea." Hengqin oysters are known for being large, plump, white, tender, and crispy. They are also renowned for their nourishing properties.
3) Doumen Double Shell Crabs
Doumen Double Shell Crabs grow in brackish water and are extremely rare. Out of every 1,000 pounds, only 10 pounds of crabs meet the criteria. They have a delicate taste, tender meat, and high nutritional value, making them an absolute treasure among crabs!
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