Wild Poppy Bloom in Tuscany
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Wild Poppy Bloom in Tuscany
Tuscany's poppies begin to bloom in May, covering the countryside and olive groves with their bright red flowers. The best place to see the entire poppy field is near the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Val d'Orcia, south of Siena.
Poppies grow with the farming season and are sometimes called corn poppies, but they are also Flanders poppies in honour of the First World War. Check out the wonderful website for Tuscan Hill Town Walks.
It rains in Tuscany every April and October. After the showers, poppies bloom all over the roadsides, fields and even in the famous vineyards and olive groves! The last week of April and the beginning of May are great times for poppies to bloom.
If you visit in mid-May, you're likely to get the photos of your dreams ...... Lay back and photograph the red poppies against a clear blue sky. There are some tour organisers who arrange photography tours of the Tuscan poppy fields.
Don't miss the chance to see this stunning image in your lifetime!