【GreaterDive】Candy Colourtone Photo Spot: No.33 Youth Route Block
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Candy Colourtone Photo Spot: No.33 Youth Route Block
In recent years, many cities in the Greater Bay Area have revitalised old buildings into cultural and creative communities. In addition to the previously introduced 1978 Cultural Creative Park (Revamped Old Sugar Factory), No.33 Youth Route Block in Huizhou has also become a hotspot for young people!
Formerly a garment factory, No.33 Youth Route Block underwent a transformation in 2021, evolving into a hub for trendy activities. Besides its candy colourtone buildings that attract people who love photo-taking
, this district brings together activities like rock climbing, skateboarding, street dancing, and anime, all of which appeal to the younger crowd and infuse the area with vibrant energy!
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