【GreaterDive】Unveiling the Mystery of the Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area Together
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Unveiling the Mystery of the Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area Together
Since June 2022, Sha Tau Kok has been gradually opened to the public on tours! Today, let【GreaterGo】introduce to you two Hong Kong records by Sha Tau Kok and unveil the mystery of the Frontier Closed Area!
1. Hong Kong’s Longest Pier: Sha Tau Kok Pier
First built in the 1960s, the 280-metre-long Sha Tau Kok Pier is the longest pier in Hong Kong. The pier has a distinctive mural near it 🎨 and is a great place for taking photos!
2. Hong Kong’s Easternmost Corner: The Cape of Sha Tau Kok
As you walk east along the waterfront, you will see a sign engraved with latitude and longitude, and a 1:1 replica of the Chung Ying Street boundary monument at the Cape of Sha Tau Kok. Apart from the Yantian Port in Shenzhen, the eye-catching chain of blue barrels at sea level is another popular photo-taking spot.
Planning to explore Sha Tau Kok during the weekend? Check out the information for local tours of the Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area now!
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