【Hand Heart sculpture】Shenzhen Bay Talent Park Photo hotspot
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Shenzhen Bay Talent Park Photo hotspot
Shenzhen Talent Park is the first theme park named after "Talent" in the Mainland. Located in the Houhai area of Nanshan District, it is connected to the leisure zone along the Shenzhen Bay waterfront and is adjacent to the Shenzhen Bay Super HQ Base, occupying an area of about 770,000 square metres, of which 300,000 square metres is the lake, with a charming bay, a beautiful lake view and shady green trees.
Inside the park, there is a huge sculpture that attracts a lot of people's attention, with two "hands" painted in blue and pink making the gesture of "heart", and if you look out from the heart-shaped part of the sculpture, you can clearly see the scenery on the other side of the river, such as the headquarters of China Huarun Building in Shenzhen. If the camera is placed close to the sculpture, it is possible to take photos with the effect of a heart-shaped photo frame, which is very interesting!
Photo credit: https://best0755.com/ & Visual China Group
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