Kraków︱Wieliczka Salt Mine
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Wieliczka Salt Mine
The most famous attraction of Kraków is undoubtedly the Wieliczka Salt Mine. During ancient times, Kraków was rich in salt resources. Salt even became a kind of currency. The Polish government later recognised the value of salt and invested in salt mining to boost trade. Kraków thus became prosperous and turned into a significant commercial city in Europe.
Although salt mining has been discontinued in the Wieliczka Salt Mine with little salt remained, the salt mine is open to the world as an essential tourist spot and health resort. The UNESCO World Heritage Site allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the salt mine after crossing tunnels. With tunnels crisscrossing together, the salt mine is like an underground city itself. Not only can you find many rooms inside, but also a few delicate chapels. The Chapel of St. Kinga is the most impressive one among them.
The floor of the chapels is exquisitely embossed; magnificent chandeliers are hanged from the ceiling. There are also an exquisite statue of the Holy Mother of God and the Last Supper carved in salt. The glittering glow from the chandeliers creates amazing radiance on the white salt wall. The light turns into brilliance on stalactite-like rocks. The colourful and dazzling glow will make you fall for this underground palace!