Royal Palace of Cambodia
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Royal Palace of Cambodia
Cambodia is known as a Buddhist kingdom. Its capital, Phnom Penh, has a resplendent palace just like Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, does. Similar to the Grand Palace in Bangkok, the Royal Palace is also famous for its gold spires and stupas. But it is special by having a slight French touch. During the colonial rule of France, Napoleon Pavilion was gifted to Cambodia, thus adding some French elements to the palace.
The Royal Palace serves as the royal residence of the King of Cambodia. Therefore, entry to some areas is prohibited while most parts of the complex are open to the public. The most special things about the palace are the gold Throne Hall used for coronations, and the Silver Pagoda which features a royal temple. The two buildings and their exquisite cloisters will definitely fascinate you. Just walk around the Royal Palace and you will know how royal life is like.