Warsaw︱Palace of Culture and Science
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Palace of Culture and Science
Those who are interested in the history of the Cold War would know how influential the Soviet Union was over Poland. The Soviet Union signed the Warsaw Pact with the Eastern bloc in Warsaw to confront NATO representing the Western bloc. To find the evidence of the Soviet Union’s influence in Poland, you must pay a visit to the Palace of Culture and Science. The palace reminds us of the famous Seven Sisters, which is the seven Stalinist architecture including Moscow State University, in Moscow at first glance. In Poland, the locals have nicknamed the palace the Russian Wedding Cake and Stalin’s syringe because of the high-rise layers and spire of the building.
The Palace of Culture and Science was a gift from Stalin in the 1950s. With the Stalinist features - high-rise, grand and rectangular- the palace serves as the major venue for exhibitions and performances in Warsaw with over 3,000 rooms, theatres, museums, a swimming pool and an auditorium hall. Being the tallest building in Poland and Eastern Europe except for Russia, the Palace of Culture and Science is the best location for a panoramic view of the city. From the building which represents Eastern European history of the Cold War the best, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the entire city and get to know more about the history of the Cold War and Warsaw.