Myanmar︱Mandalay Hill
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Mandalay Hill
Mandalay Hill, around 240m tall, is located in the northeast of the city centre. Your trip around Mandalay may start by climbing up and viewing the scenery of the city atop the hill. There are four entrances on Mandalay Hill. The southern approach to Mandalay Hill has two giant chinthes guarding. The chinthes are lion-like creatures often seen at the entrances of pagodas and temples in Myanmar.
The hill has four stairways and stone seats along the way, making it not difficult to climb. It only takes half an hour to arrive at the summit if one does not take any breaks. Such calculation is unrealistic though because you will surely stop by and visit the temples, Buddhist statues and pagodas along the way. If you really do not prefer climbing up the stairs, you can take the escalator or even call a motorcycle taxi. However, the escalator only takes you the way up but not down.