(Application Closed)【Asia+ Festival 2024】Elīna Garanča Gala Concert Group Tickets Booking
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Asia+ 2024: Elīna Garanča Gala Concert
Programme Introduction
Elīna Garanča, the Latvian mezzo-soprano, is acclaimed as a "first-rate star" by The New York Times, possessing a velvety voice and a dramatic essence. She has performed Bizet's Carmen with leading opera companies such as Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, Bavarian State Opera in Germany, Metropolitan Opera in the United States, and received rave reviews. She has also been cherished the title of “Kammersängerin” honoured by Vienna State Opera. In the forthccoming concert, her long-awaited Hong Kong debut, she will not only sing Dalila's seductive aria of which her interpretation has been widely acclaimed, but also all four of Carmen's arias – Habanera, Seguidilla, the Gypsy Song and the Card Song. Under the baton of Karel Mark Chichon, the Macao Orchestra will perform in a programme of vocal pieces performed by Garanča, alternating with orchestral pieces from a wide range of operas.
📍 Venue
Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
📅 Session Date and Time
Date | Time |
2024-10-29 Tue | 20:00 |
Seating Plan
🎫 Ticketing information and group ticket offer
Price: $1,280 / $980
1. 15% off upon purchase of 6 to 19 original-priced group tickets of the programme.
2. 20% off upon purchase of 20 to 29 original-priced group tickets of the programme.
3. 25% off upon purchase of 30 or above original-priced group tickets of the programme.
⏰ Deadline for bookings:
On or before 12:00nn on 9 September 2024 (Monday)
📋 Booking Requirements and Programme details:
1. | The applicant should have experience in operating inbound travel business, and participants of tour groups must be inbound travellers. |
2. | Application must be accompanied by an itinerary covering the above programme. |
3. | Tickets are subject to availability on a first-come-first-served basis. |
4. | No ticket exchange or refund. |
5. | Each licensed travel agent is required to purchase a minimum of 6 tickets or more per session. |
6. | Programme Duration: programme is approximately 2 hours long, including a 20-minute intermission. |
7. | Programme official website: Click Here |
* Source of information: Copyright © Leisure and Cultural Services Department
* Source of photo: Copyright ©Sarah Katharina
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Group ticket booking has been closed.
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