Estonia︱Kuressaare Castle
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Kuressaare Castle
When you are used to visiting huge castles in Europe, have you thought that small castles are also astonishingly beautiful? Kuressaare Castle is going to give you a unique experience on visiting castles.
The historic name of Kuressaare is Arensburg which was originated from Middle High German, denoting the most notable feature of the town – castles. The coat of arms of the town also shows a castle. Kuressaare Castle, featuring yellow bricks and red tiles, is like an ordinary villa of a well-off family. You can only identify the castle from the thick walls. In fact, there is an extensive art collection inside. Not only you can see the religious art left by the bishop who lived here, but also historical exhibits related to the town. From zoological specimens to armaments and fire trucks, this castle features a lot of exhibits that fill you in with the history and culture of the town.