"Belt & Road Countries Travelling Quiz: Discover Your Destination" Giveaway Event | GreaterGo
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"Belt & Road Countries Travelling Quiz: Discover Your Destination" Giveaway Event
There are over 140 Belt and Road related countries and regions, but which of these places are worth going while aligning with your travel preferences? Take the quiz on our website now to find your perfect travel destination. Subscribe to 【GreaterGo】's weekly travel information and get a chance to win an HKTVmall HK$100 eGift Voucher* (quota: 1,000), with a total value of up to HK $100,000!
Find your next destination: https://bit.ly/49o92yL
Event Start Time and Date: 10am on 13th November, 2023 (Monday)
Event End Time and Date: 11:59pm on 22nd November, 2023 (Wednesday)
Winner Announcement Details: The winners result will be posted on 【GreaterGo】's Facebook, Instagram, and official website at 3pm on 28 November, 2023 (Tuesday).
Winners Result - Click here.
Event terms and conditions apply: https://bit.ly/40qaooJ
*First come, first served, while supplies last. For details, please refer to the terms and conditions.