Saint Petersburg︱Winter Palace

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Russian Federation
By GreaterGo Editor
15 May 2023

Winter Palace

Winter Palace, the former residence of Russian emperors, is naturally the most iconic landmark of Saint Petersburg. The palace is more than just a palace for tsars – it is also a museum. Catherine the Great renovated and expanded the palace into a great royal complex of six buildings. Apart from expanding the Russian empire, Catherine the Great was keen on collecting treasures. Famous paintings and art pieces were purchased from merchants from around the world and stored in the State Hermitage Museum of the Winter Palace. Eventually, rich collections were built up over the years. Now, the State Hermitage Museum is regarded as one of the four major museums in the world along with the Louvre, the British Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of New York. 

On the Palace Square parked with vintage carriages, you can see the bluish-green main entrance of the Winter Palace, opposite to the General Staff Building. Walking into the palace, you will marvel at the grandeur and extensive collections. Passing through the throne of the past, you can find art pieces from different countries. Western European artworks were garnered the most in the Winter Palace because the royal family admired Western European culture. Speaking French was even in vogue among Russian royalty. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the amount of art treasures from Western Europe top the royal collection. 

There is also a wide range of Russian and ancient Greek exhibits in the museum too. The cultural assets of significance of the Russian empire gather in this museum. Armaments and coins are, of course, indispensable elements in this palace museum. Apart from Russian weapons and coins, the museum also has a collection of Western European and Asian weapons and armours. There are also ancient coins from Europe, Asia and America as well as seals and medals. The total number of exhibits exceeds a million, meaning it can take years to finish seeing all displays in the Winter Palace. 

After spending the whole day on the phenomenal royal collections, you can take a vintage carriage like the royalty for a sightseeing tour of Saint Petersburg. 

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