Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory Walkway
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Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory Walkway
In the last century, the firecracker industry was one of the three main handicraft industries in Macao, and Taipa was the main production base for firecrackers. Located in Taipa for almost a century, the former Iec Long Firecracker Factory is the largest and most iconic former firecracker factory preserved in the city. Open to the public lately, the 400-metre-long walkway inside the former Iec Long factory allows visitors to take a look at the fuse gluing zones, waterways, ponds, firecracker crimping zones and storehouses of the factory from the time when it was operational. Visitors can also watch videos to learn more about the production and manufacturing process of firecrackers through a tour guide system.
The walkway has been opened together with “The Echo of Firecrackers - Exhibition of the History of Macao Firecracker Industry”. Through the exhibitions’ collections, photos, and multimedia guided tours, visitors can interact with the exhibits and learn about the history of the Iec Long Firecracker Factory, and details of the past of Macao’s firecracker industry. At the souvenir shop, a variety of exquisite products designed with elements of the factory are available for purchase. In addition, a “Tea Coaster Exhibition” at the entrance plaza of the Firecracker Factory until 5th March. It displays tea utensils and tea set arrangements and other aspects of traditional Chinese tea culture, providing visitors with an opportunity to learn about this cultural heritage. All are welcome!
Time: 6:00am to 7:00pm (The Echo of Firecrackers - Exhibition of the History of Macao Firecracker Industry & Souvenir shop: 10:00am to 7:00pm, all facilities are closed at 3:00pm on Wednesdays, open on public holidays)
Venue: Iec Long Firecracker Factory (Map: K3)
Admission: Free admission
Enquiries: (853) 2836 6866
Email: [email protected]
Organiser: Cultural Affairs Bureau
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