Lake Issyk

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By GreaterGo Marketing & Promotion
27 Sep 2024

The Ile Alatau Mountains shelter one of Kazakhstan's most picturesque lakes – Lake Issyk. It is believed to have been formed 8-10 thousand years ago when a rock collapsed and formed a dam which later caused the lake to appear. Before 1963, the lake stretched for 1850 meters (1.2 mi). Nowadays, it is much smaller.  

In 1959, Lake Issyk attracted the attention of holiday-makers and became a tourist hotspot. Its picture-perfect views were printed on postcards, and people flock to the lake to see it with their own eyes. Even Nikita Khrushchev (the leader of the Soviet Union) and Ho Chi Minh (the leader of the Vietnamese independence movement & communist leader of North Vietnam) visited the lake. 

You probably wonder what happened in 1963 and made the lake decrease in size. On July 7 of that year, an enormous mudflow swept away the dam and hit the lake. The blow was so strong that the lake flooded the nearby town of Issyk, claiming thousands of lives. The mudflow reached the Kuljinsky Tract and even forced the Issyk River to change its course. The tragedy in Issyk became one of the deadliest catastrophes in the history of the USSR. 

Over time, the dam was restored and the town's infrastructure was rebuilt. The lake regained the status of a tourist destination, but the tragedy was not forgotten. On the hill near the lake, there is a monument in memory of the victims. According to the local mudflow protection agency, such a tragedy won't happen again. There are 15 gauging stations near the lake, which regularly monitor the situation and notify people in case of a mudflow threat. 

Today, Lake Issyk, surrounded by mountain peaks and dense forest, attracts thousands of tourists. You can hike around the lake or just sit on the shore, admiring the beautiful view and breathing the mountain air. 

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