Nursultan︱Hazrat Sultan Mosque
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Hazrat Sultan Mosque
There must be a spectacular mosque in every Islamic country. Hazrat Sultan Mosque is the national mosque of Kazakhstan. Hazrat Sultan, meaning “sacred Sultan”, is the honourific of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, the poet who introduced Islam to Kazakhstan. The president, therefore, built this mosque in honour of this great person in history.
Just like most of the mosques, Hazrat Sultan Mosque was built in classic Islamic style. Its interior, however, was decorated with traditional Kazakh ornaments, making the mosque unique. The marble flooring, pattern-rich carpets, the dome’s patterns, and chandeliers add rich colours to the pure white mosque.
Apart from taking photos near the fountain outside the mosque, you can also enter the mosque. There is no need for women to be worried as ropes and shawls are available for the public to borrow. In such a magnificent mosque, everyone can enjoy the elegance of the classic Islamic and Kazakh art.
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