Discover the hidden gems of Central Asia- Kazakhstan
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Discover the hidden gems of Central Asia- Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is the starting point for many people when going on a trip to Central Asia. What comes to your mind when talking about Kazakhstan? Is it Sabina Altynbekova, the 12-head tall Kazakhstan volleyball player that many netizens see as a “goddess”? Or is it the stunning Tian Shan? Whether beautiful people or scenery, Kazakhstan has them all. As the most open, accessible and fastest-growing state among the “five stans” (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) in Central Asia, Kazakhstan is a must-see destination.
The Tian Shan that towers into the clouds, vast grasslands and lakes are just one side of the country, and the spectacular and unique buildings are another. From Almaty, the former capital where the style of architecture integrates the characteristics of the nomads with the spectacular style of the Soviet Union, to Nursultan (previously Astana), the new capital where the style of architecture is creative and unconventional, both of them will expand your horizons. Going into these two cities are like entering the museum and testing ground of architecture, where the possibilities of modern architecture could be explored.
The saying that “the most beautiful scenery is the people” also applies to Kazakhstan. There are a total of 131 ethnicities in Kazakhstan, symbolising the inclusiveness of the country. Throughout the country’s history, there have been people immigrating into it from different parts of the world, giving birth to mixed children of Kazakhs and Turkishs, Turkic people in Central Asia, Persians, Arabs, Mongolians, Tatars, Chinese and even Western Europeans. This leads to a high degree of integration of different cultures, creating the modern Kazakh culture. In Kazakhstan, therefore, you can see not only blonde and green-eyed ethnic Russians and Kazakhs with deep eyes, but also Koreans and Dungan people who look like Chinese. All Kazakhs, regardless of their ethnicity, are known for their warm hospitality. Simply walking on the street, and you might be invited to a local family or restaurant for a wonderful meal, which will absolutely be an unforgettable experience for you. It is the people and the scenery together that makes Kazakhstan exceptionally beautiful.
Content and materials provided by Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong