【GreaterDive】Historic Buildings with a Colourful Painting: The Blue House Cluster in Wan Chai💙
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Historic Buildings with a Colourful Painting: The Blue House Cluster in Wan Chai💙
What comes to your mind when you hear about the "Wah To Hospital" in Wan Chai? In addition to the iconic Blue House (Wah To Hospital), the entire Blue House Cluster in Wan Chai also includes yellow and orange houses, creating a colourful and vibrant scene that represents unique to Wan Chai's streets.
The Blue House Cluster is not only a popular spot for taking photos with its vintage and colourful appearance, but the buildings have a history of over a hundred years. Through revitalisation efforts, Tong Lau, the Chinese building has been preserved and transformed into a multi-functional space, continuing to tell the story of Hong Kong in a new way!
When you are in Wan Chai next time, do not miss the chance to visit the Blue House Cluster! Take some photos and explore various cultural and entertainment activities!
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