【Overnight Train】Beijing-Shanghai-Hong Kong
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Beijing-Shanghai-Hong Kong
Starting from 15 June 2024, the Beijing-Hong Kong and Shanghai-Hong Kong trains on the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) will be upgraded to sleeper trains. With the introduction of sleeper carriages with sleeper facilities on the ‘overnight’ trains, allowing passengers to arrive in Beijing and Shanghai after a good night's sleep.
Directs train, which could only depart from or arrive at three stations in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, can now depart from or arrive at a number of stations along the Beijing-Hong Kong and Shanghai-Hong Kong high speed rail lines, including Shijiazhuang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen North and Hangzhou East. The new direct train will cut travelling time by about half, with Beijing to Hong Kong taking about 12 hours and Shanghai to Hong Kong taking about 11 hours.
The train is equipped with 13 sleeping carriages, one dining car and 2second-class carriages, which are more technologically advanced and more comfortable for passengers. The ‘overnight’ mode of operation allows passengers to arrive at their destination after a comfortable overnight sleeper train journey, enriching travel options for leisure and business travellers and saving one night's hotel costs.
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