Fondant Art Exhibition
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Fondant Art Exhibition
Zhou Yi, the Chinese master of fondant art known as the “King of Sugar” in China, held his first solo exhibition of fondant art in Macao. The exhibition features five life-sized fondant art sculptures that are all over two metres tall and are created exclusively for Macao. All the artworks innovatively combine food-making techniques, such as dough-sculpting and fondant art, and artistic techniques such as painting, spray painting and sculpting, which present “auspiciousness” and “courtesy” that are treasured in Chinese traditional culture. A mini theatre guided tour, “The Tale of Glorious Moments”, is also presented to take the exhibition experience to a new level. With a connection between theatre art and fondant art, the cross-disciplinary theatre is performed by local actors and is based on the true account of a Cantonese poet who travelled to Macao in the late Qing Dynasty.
If you are looking for an immersive experience in Chinese art, head to the Spectacle and see “WATERCOLOR STORY”, a dynamic Chinese digital art piece that showcases three themed acts in bold traditional Chinese ink colours. The captivating display is presented on 25 large LED screens, delivering a breathtaking visual experience to viewers.
Mini Theatre Guided Tour “The Tale of Glorious Moments”
Time: Saturdays & Sundays, 2:30pm to 6:30pm (10 to 15 minutes per session, please refer to the organiser for schedules)
Admission: Free participation (Cantonese / Mandarin)
Fondant Art Exhibition
Time: 1:00pm to 8:00pm (Saturdays & Sundays: start from 12:00 noon)
Venue: Infinite Harmony exhibition space, The Spectacle at MGM COTAI
Venue: The Spectacle at MGM COTAI
Admission: Free admission
Enquiries: (853) 8806 8888
Email: [email protected]
Organiser: MGM