Czech | Vnitřní Město
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Vnitřní Město
If Český Krumlov is a beautiful noble castle town, then Vnitřní Město is the embodiment of the medieval charm. Although Vnitřní Město is small, it is exquisite. From the streets, corners, bridges to alleys, they are full of the legacy of Bohemia. Stone walls and bricks are the same as they were; residents of Český Krumlov are hospitable.
Along the way, you will discover many delicious Czech snacks and romantic restaurants. You may slow down, enjoy the view of Vnitřní Město and taste the local cuisine. If you prefer a quick trip to Vnitřní Město, it only takes two to three hours and. you will explore more when you pay attention to the surroundings!
View more information and inspirations to satisfy your wanderlust! Czech Travel Information