Oldest square in Lima - Plaza de Armas (Plaza Mayor)
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Plaza de Armas (Plaza Mayor)
A prominent city square is normally built in the capital city of most countries in the world, such as Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Red Square in Moscow, Piazza di Spagna in Rome, Old Town Square in Prague. Far in Peru in South America, there sits the Plaza de Armas, which is the birthplace of Lima and the centre of local people’s life.
Also known as Plaza Mayor, Plaza De Armas is the oldest square in Lima. It is surrounded by the most significant buildings in the city, such as the Government Palace (Palacio de Gobierno), the Archbishop's Palace (Palacio Arzobispal) and the Cathedral of Lima. They all have a history of more than a hundred years. All these turn the square into the political and religious centre of Peru. Plaza de Armas, the Government Palace and the Archbishop's Palace were erected after the Spanish Empire had decided to establish Lima at the coast of the Pacific Ocean as the capital of Peru. The city was then developed radiating from the square and those buildings. The square was used in various ways, such as market, bullring, the testing place for the first streetlight and venue for religious ceremonies in the past few centuries. The water fountain in the square centre is the only thing that remains constant, and witnesses quietly the changes the square has been undergoing.
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