Wideset waterfall in europe: Venta Rapid
Weather forecast of Latvia

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Wideset waterfall in europe: Venta Rapid
Latvia, in addition to the sophisticated structures, has many ravishing mountains and waters. The widest waterfall in Europe is located in this small nation, showing the diversity of Latvia.
Venta Rapid is not as spectacular as Niagara Falls or Huangguoshu Waterfall in China, and does not have the momentum that many falls do. This waterfall is just as tall as a person. It is more like a short wall with flowing water. Meanwhile, Venta Rapid is more “easy-going” than many other waterfalls because you can walk on it as if it is a pedestrian road without the risk of falling off. A walk over the waterfall against the current is guaranteed fun! Sometimes you may even find salmon in the river swimming against currents and jumping over the fall. This symbolises the indomitable character of Latvians – rising to challenges and gaining success eventually.