【Explore the Switzerland of the Americas】Travel in Uruguay: Exploring Mercado del Puerto, Palacio Salvo, and Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento | GreaterGo

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By GreaterGo Editor
3 Oct 2023

【Explore the Switzerland of the Americas】Travel in Uruguay: Exploring Mercado del Puerto, Palacio Salvo, and Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento


Nestled in southeastern South America, Uruguay has been shaped by a history influenced by Portuguese and Spanish colonisation. This fusion of South American roots and European traditions has resulted in a rich cultural atmosphere. Often referred to as "Switzerland of the Americas", Uruguay is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and stable social environment. Join【GreaterGo】on a journey to explore the cultural treasures of Uruguay in South America!

Tourist Attractions in Uruguay 1. A Blend of Culture and Cuisine: Montevideo, the Capital City 

Uruguay oneA Blend of Culture and Cuisine: Montevideo, the Capital City
Montevideo, the capital and largest city of Uruguay, is adorned with art decorations and neoclassical architecture that reflects a European charm yet maintains a cosy small-town feel. Mercado del Puerto is a paradise for food lovers, where markets, restaurants, and music performances come together. Stepping into Mercado del Puerto feels like entering a dreamy South American scene, with sizzling barbecue stalls and captivating musical performances. Nearby shops and stalls offer souvenirs that satisfy your shopping desires. The bustling scene of Mercado del Puerto adds vibrancy to the city!

Standing on the east side of Plaza Independencia, the Palacio Salvo is one of Uruguay's iconic landmarks. Built in 1927, the palace stands 312 feet tall, making it the tallest building in South America. Its diverse architectural style combines classical, Gothic, and neo-romanticism elements, making it a historical gem of Uruguay. From the tower's observation deck, you can enjoy panoramic views of Montevideo, appreciating the allure of the city.

Tourist Attractions in Uruguay 2. World Heritage Site: Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento

Uruguay__World Heritage Site Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento
Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento holds a profound history. Founded in 1680 by the Portuguese as a fortress against Spanish imperial threats, the town eventually fell into Spanish hands after a century of disputes. The blend of two distinct architectural styles in the city reflects its tumultuous history and earned it a place on the World Heritage Site list. Walk along the irregular cobblestone streets, you can admire the spectacular view where the second largest river of South America, the La Plata River, meets the Atlantic Ocean, and immerse yourself in the unique European atmosphere and charming ancient ambiance.

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【GreaterGo】- Travel Tips for the Belt and Road Related Countries and Regions

Is a visa needed to travel from Hong Kong to Uruguay?

Hong Kong SAR passport holders do not need a visa to travel to Uruguay. Visa-free stays are allowed for up to 90 days.

What is the weather like in Uruguay? 

Uruguay experiences a mild and humid climate with consistent rainfall throughout the year. The best time to visit Uruguay is from November to February, during the warm and pleasant summer months when temperatures range between 22°C and 28°C, making it ideal for coastal area exploration.

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