"3-5 Combo - Deep Travel" EP2 "Cheung Chau Fun & Chill"
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Itinerary Concept:
Well-known for its charming waterfront, crammed with gently rocking moored fishing boats and clear sandy beaches, Cheung Chau has been appealing to visitors who seek to a get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
The 2nd episode of 3-5 Combo Deep Travel – "Cheung Chau Fun & Chill" takes you on a journey to explore windsurfing and get a taste of man-made surfing. Besides water sports, Cheung Chau has a rich cultural heritage, such as precious artworks of Hong Kong calligraphist Mr. Jat See-yeu which are also found many places on the island. In recent years, there have been a number of specialty shops on Cheung Chau, infusing the island with different cultures and vitality.
Selected locations and experiences:
Kwun Yam Wan / Cheung Chau Windsurfing Centre / Outdoor Surf Simulator / Specialty Shops
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