The world of fantasy and fairy tales-Český Krumlov| GreaterGo
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The world of fantasy and fairy tales-Český Krumlov
Do you love reading fairy tales? Have you ever imagined yourself as a royal member living in a castle?
The meandering Vltava flows gently around Český Krumlov, the Czech Republic. The town is known as “one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe” because it preserves the scenery of the old medieval days for all to enjoy. The land of the town was owned by the Rosenberg family, which was one of the oldest aristocracy families in Bohemia. As the family had owned the land for more than three centuries, the ancient town is now crowned with a noble aura.
Visiting the town for the very first time, you will be stepping on cobbled streets towards the square in the town centre. On the side, Český Krumlov is surrounded with roofs in yellowish-orange and carved wooden door frames. Looking afar, you can also find the castles in the town. Every element in Český Krumlov passionately tells you everything about this medieval town.When you walk on streets and lanes of the castle area, every corner will surprise you with styles and delicate decorations that you have never expected. Your visit here will allow you to explore and enjoy everything in this town. Walking along the riverbank, you will be nourished with the beautiful scenery of the flowing river and dreamy sunset from the tiredness in the journey. Maybe, you will be thinking, “Why not living here?”
If you are looking for the most beautiful spot in the town, come to the top of the Castle Tower where you will be able to overlook the whole town. The snow frost on rooftops is more heavenly to see under the glow of the sun. Only after viewing this scene you will understand what the beauty of winter is.
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