Indigenous Dwelling - Uros Islands
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The Lake Titicaca, straddling between the border of Peru and Bolivia, is the largest in South America. Setting high on the Andes Mountain, the enormous lake has an altitude of more than 3,000m, and is one of the few navigable highland lakes in the world. Lake Titicaca, which is considered to be the birthplace of the Inca culture, is home to some Peruvian and Bolivian indigenous people.
These indigenous people are called the Uros. They live not by the lake, but on the self-fashioned floating islands scattered on it. The Uros construct the floating islands with bundles of dried reeds and build settlements on them. The smaller islands usually house one to two families, while the bigger ones accommodate about 20 to 30 families, and also facilities such as schools and markets. The residents use solar energy for electricity generation, and rely on fishing for a living. Supporting facilities such as coffee shops and handicraft markets are built in light of an increase in tourists recently. If you have a chance, you are welcome to homestay in the reed house, and enjoy a lake cruise on a unique reed boat to experience life on the lake!
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