Portugal︱The Sanctuary of Fatima
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The Sanctuary of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima possesses a prestigious position in the hearts of the Catholics in Portuguese-speaking regions such as Portugal, Brazil and Macao. For example, there is the Our Lady of Fatima's Parish named after the Our Lady of Fatima Church in Macao. She has been revered as the patron saint of many churches. Processions of Our Lady of Fatima are held every year.
Our Lady of Fatima is a Catholic title for the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1917 in Portugal, three shepherd children claimed to see the Marian Apparitions on the 13th day of five consecutive months in the parish of Fatima. The lady was seen more brilliant than the sun. She divulged to the children three secrets, and told them to say the Holy Rosary daily in order to obtain peace and the end of the war. Soon after the miracles, thousands of people were drawn to Fatima by the reports, where the visitations were witnessed, longing to see for themselves the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the 13th October of the same year, a massive crowd of almost 100,000 people saw the apparition as promised, which became known as the "Miracle of the Sun". The Catholic Church officially recognised these apparition events as “worthy of belief” in 1930. Churches across the globe have been looking into the Marian Apparitions for insights. To commemorate the visitations, Portugal turned where they took place into the Sanctuary of Fatima by erecting the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Chapel of the Apparitions, a monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and more Catholic buildings. Every year on 13th May and October, this destination for pilgrims welcomes a million Catholics to come to pray, and witness processions of Our Lady of Fatima.