Exploring Ancient Egypt: Luxor Temple
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Exploring Ancient Egypt: Luxor Temple
Have you ever imagined that you can be like one of those explorers in the films to fly over the desert in a hot balloon, and hunt for treasures in temples? When you are in Luxor, all of the above can become reality.
Luxor Temple is located in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes). The city is parted by the Nile River. Luxor Temple is on the east bank of the river. It was approximately built in 1,400 B.C and underwent constant expansions ordered by the pharaohs. During the rule of ancient Greece, the reconstruction and expansion of the temple continued. Later in the Roman era, the temple and its surroundings were a legionary fortress and the Roman government. The Romans also initiated the construction of a church in it. When Egypt was under the rule of the Arab, the church was converted into a mosque. On this one temple, you can see traces of different empires and civilisations that made up the history of Egypt. Walking into the temple for exploration after landing in Luxor from a hot balloon ride, you will surely be carried away by this unprecedented adventure!
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