Beautiful Indonesia” in Miniature Park
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Beautiful Indonesia” in Miniature Park
Finally comes your long-awaited vacation for Indonesia, yet the schedule is too tight to see the whole country? The Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park is where your wish to have a full view of the entire Indonesia comes true.
The park is the mini version of this island country. The concept is similar to the theme park “Window of the World” in Shenzhen. Each of the six areas in the park is in respect to one of the main islands of Indonesia, and displaying to visitors the ethnical cultures there. From the traditional Balinese architecture to the modern buildings in the early independent days are all-inclusive. The exhibitions in museums complement the singing and dancing performances from different ethnic groups in the park, giving you an all-round experience on the essence of the Indonesian cultures. There is a lake with a miniature of the archipelago located in the middle of the park. Don’t miss the Indonesian Children Castle, which resembles the Cinderella Castle in Disneyland, the aquarium, flower gardens, bird parks, the 4D theatre and more to have great fun with kids!